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predicates — Predicates for functional programming

The predicates module provides a variety of predicates, predicate factories, and predicate partials.

“A predicate is a function that returns the truth value of some condition.”

—Andrew M. Kuchling, Python Functional Programming HOWTO

Predicate factories are functions which create new predicates based on their arguments (e.g., _and(), _nargs()). Predicate partials are functions created by partial application of a predicate’s arguments.

Naming conventions

Predicates prefixed with an underscore (_) are predicate factories, returning callables, for composition, currying, or delayed evaluation.

Predicates without a suffix, or suffixed with an underscore, are simple predicates (i.e., they act immediately). Most of these begin with is (e.g., isstring(), isatom()). If present, the underscore suffix is to avoid conflicts with keywords, in the style of not_).

Where names conflict with builtins or the standard library, an appropriate mnemonic prefix or suffix distinguishes them.

There are a few places where we alias or duplicate builtins or standard library functions to present a consistently-named set of functions. E.g., iscallable() is equivalent to callable().

Predicate composition

These functions take a sequence of predicates and return a callable which composes those predicates into a single function. These are the complement of the Predicate application functions.

Unless otherwise noted, the signature of the returned callable is:

fn(*args, **kwargs) → bool


>>> fn = _and(isstring, isempty)
>>> fn('')
>>> fn("bad robot!")

We may compose the composition predicates, themselves, too. E.g.,

>>> fn = _and(isstring, _not(isempty))
>>> fn("bad robot!")
>>> fn('')

Note that fn is passing *args and **kwargs to its predicates all at once, instead of applying them to each argument, individually. We’re effectively calling each predicate as pred(*args, **kwargs), which, in this case, would be pred('', '').

>>> fn('', '')
TypeError: _isa takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

Passing two empty strings produces a TypeError. Since isstring() and isempty() each take only one argument, we get the TypeError. The Predicate application functions apply a predicate to each argument.

To apply multiple predicates to multiple arguments, combine the composition and application factories. E.g., to ensure that all of a function’s arguments are non-empty strings:

>>> non_empty_string = _and(isstring, _not(isempty))
>>> fn = _all(non_empty_string)
>>> fn("bad robot!")
>>> fn("bad robot!", "hurley")
>>> fn("bad robot!", '')
>>> fn("bad robot!", 4)


Conceptually, you may think of the produced callables as applying their corresponding boolean comparisons to the results of evaluating each predicate, in turn, on all of fn‘s arguments at once . The example above is equivalent to:

>>> isstring('') and isempty('')
>>> isstring("bad robot!") and isempty("bad robot!")

These are also equivalent to (and, in fact, are implemented by) calling all(), etc., on a list comprehension which applies each of the predicates onto fn‘s arguments. The function produced by the example above is:

predicates = (isstring, isempty)
def fn (*args, **kwargs):
    return all(pred(*args, **kwargs) for pred in predicates)

which is equivalent to:

def fn (*args, **kwargs):
    return all(pred(*args, **kwargs) for pred in (isstring, isempty))

which is equivalent to:

def fn (*args, **kwargs):
    predicate_results = (isstring(*args, **kwargs), isempty(*args, **kwargs))
    return all(predicate_results)

Returns a callable which returns True if all predicates are true. This is short-circuiting.


Returns a callable which returns True if none of the predicates are true.


Returns a callable which returns True if any predicates are true. This is short-circuiting.


Returns a callable which returns True if each application of a predicate to its corresponding argument returns True. I.e., it applies predicates[0] to args[0], predicates[1] to args[1], and so on. Technically, this lives in the grey area between Predicate composition and Predicate application.

It inherits the truncation behaviour of zip() (i.e., it truncates to the shorter of predicates or args).

The callable ignores keyword arguments, if present.

TODO: What’s the correct mathematical term for this? The cross-product would be all predicates applied to all arguments (i.e., n x m). While we’re on the subject, should we add a cross-product factory?

Predicate application

These functions take a single predicate and return a callable which applies that predicate to each of its arguments, applying the corresponding boolean mapping to the results. These are the complement of the Predicate composition functions.

Unless otherwise noted, the signature of the returned callable is:

fn(*args, **kwargs) → bool


>>> fn = _all(isstring)
>>> fn()
>>> fn("bad robot!")
>>> fn("bad robot!", "jack")
>>> fn("bad robot!", "jack", 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
>>> fn(4)

Returns a callable which returns True if predicate returns True for all of its positional arguments.


Returns a callable which returns True if predicate returns True for any of its positional arguments.


Returns a callable which returns True if predicate returns True for none of its positional arguments.


_args is a special, extremely flexible, very overloaded predicate factory for applying predicates to a function’s arguments. It is a singleton instance of ArgSlicer, the documentation for which covers all of the _args() use-cases. It is a predicate application because it selects a set of arguments to which to apply a set of predicates.

class ArgSlicer[source]

Flexible predicate factory to convert __getitem__() slices and direct calls (i.e., __call__()) into predicate partials which apply a set of predicates to a subset of the callables’ arguments.

All access is through its (unenforced) singleton instance, _args(), but we expose the class for subclassing, monkeypatching, etc.

Examples are the best way to explain this beast.

  • __getitem__() access to positional arguments.

    Ensure that first positional arg (args[0]), if present, is a string. Imposes no constraints on other posiitional or keyword args.

    >>> fn = _args[0](isstring)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn('jack')
    >>> fn(4)
    >>> fn('jack', 8, kate=15)

    Ensure that the first two positional args (args[0:2]), if present, are strings. Imposes no constraints on other positional or keyword args.

    >>> fn = _args[0:2](isstring)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn('jack')
    >>> fn('jack', 8)
    >>> fn('jack', 'sawyer', 15, kate=15)

    Ensure that any positional args are strings. Imposes no constraints on keyword args.

    >>> fn = _args[:](isstring)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn('jack')
    >>> fn('jack', 8)
    >>> fn('jack', 'sawyer', kate=15)
  • __call__() access to positional arguments:

    Ensure all positional arguments are strings. Imposes no constraints on keyword args. This is equivalent to (and, in fact, is implemented as) the _args[:](isstring) example, above.

    >>> fn = _args(isstring)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn('jack')
    >>> fn('jack', 8)
    >>> fn('jack', 'sawyer', kate=15)
  • __call__() access to keyword arguments:

    Ensure that keyword arguments jack and kate exist, and that jack is a string, and kate is an integer. Imposes no constraints on positional or other keyword args.

    >>> fn = _args(jack=isstring, kate=isint)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn(jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn(jack='')
    >>> fn(jack=4)
    >>> fn(4, 8, jack='', kate=15)
  • __call__() access to positional and keyword arguments:

    Ensure that keyword arguments jack and kate exist, that jack is a string, that kate is an integer, and that any positional arguments are strings. Imposes no constraints on other keyword args.

    >>> fn = _args(isstring, jack=isstring, kate=isint)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn(jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn("bad robot!", jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn("bad robot!", jack='')
    >>> fn(jack=4)
    >>> fn(4, 8, jack='', kate=15)
  • Mixed __getitem__() and __call__() access to positional and keyword arguments:

    Ensure that keyword arguments jack and kate exist, that jack is a string, that kate is an integer, and that the first two positional arguments (args[0:2]), if present, are strings. Imposes no constraints on other positional or keyword arguments.

    >>> fn = _args[0:2](isstring, jack=isstring, kate=isint)
    >>> fn()
    >>> fn(jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn("bad robot!", jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn("bad robot!", 'sawyer', jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn("bad robot!", 'sawyer', 23, jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn(4, "bad robot!", jack='', kate=15)
    >>> fn("bad robot!", 'sawyer', 23, jack=4, kate='15')


TODO: use multi-dimensional extended slice syntax to apply predicates to specific args. E.g.,

>>> fn = _args[0, 1, 3:5](isstring, isint, isfloat, hurley=isint)
>>> fn("bad robot!", 4, (), 8.0, 15.0, hurley=16)

Another option is to put the keyword args into the slice:

>>> fn = _args[0, 1, 3:5, 'hurley'](
...         isstring, isint, isfloat, isint)
>>> fn("bad robot!", 4, (), 8.0, 15.0, hurley=16)

...or is it starting to get ridiculous? I don’t like the increasing distance between the arg selector (the key to __getitem__()) and the corresponding predicate. Maybe we should move to the simpler _args(p0, p1, p2, key1=p3, key2=p4) form? Combining _all() and _apply() would let us duplicate the behaviour of the current _args(predicate), but we’d lose the ability to (easily) apply separate predicates to ranges of args, including overlapping ranges, like we get with the multidimensional slice. E.g.,

>>> fn = _args[0:4, 3:5](isstring, _not(isempty))
>>> fn('', '', "bad robot!")
>>> fn('', "bad robot!", '', 'jack', (42,))
>>> fn('', "bad robot!", '', 'jack', ())

Ultimately, what I’m looking for is a “single point of truth” for specifying, concisely, constraints on all of the arguments I care about.

Argument predicates

These are predicate factories which check constraints on the presence or absence of the arguments with which the resulting predicates are called. I.e., the new predicates evaluate the structure of their arguments, not their values.

Unless otherwise noted, the signature of the returned callable is:

fn(*args, **kwargs) → bool

E.g., to test whether or not the new predicate receives at least one argument:

>>> fn = _npos(atleast=1)
>>> fn()
>>> fn("bad robot!")
>>> fn("bad robot!", "jack")

To test whether or not the new predicate receives at least the keyword arguments jack and sawyer:

>>> fn = _inkw(atleast=('jack', 'sawyer')
>>> fn(4)
>>> fn(jack=4, sawyer=8)
_nargs(atleast=False, atmost=False, exactly=False)[source]

Returns a callable which returns True if it is called with at least, at most, or exactly the number of positional and keyword arguments specified in atleast, atmost, and exactly, respectively. See _npos() and _nkw() for separate constraints on positional and keyword args, respectively.

atleast and atmost may be combined, but exactly must stand alone.

_npos(atleast=False, atmost=False, exactly=False)[source]

Returns a callable which returns True if it is called with at least, at most, or exactly the number of positional arguments specified in atleast, atmost, and exactly, respectively. See _nkw() and _nargs().

atleast and atmost may be combined, but exactly must stand alone.

_nkw(atleast=False, atmost=False, exactly=False)[source]

Returns a callable which returns True if it is called with at least, at most, or exactly the number of keyword arguments specified in atleast, atmost, and exactly, respectively. See _npos() and _nargs().

atleast and atmost may be combined, but exactly must stand alone.

_inkw(atleast=False, atmost=False, exactly=False)[source]

Returns a callable which returns True if it has at least, at most, or exactly, the keyword arguments specified. This constrains the argument names, while _nkw() constrains the number of arguments.

Note, too, that this does not constrain the keyword arguments’ values.

atleast and atmost may be combined, but exactly must stand alone.

TODO: add a new predicate, or extend this one, to validate keyword argument values (which means we’ll also need an equivalent predicate for positional args, and one for mixed positional and keyword args.)

Value predicates

These predicates test aspects of the values of their arguments. E.g., isempty(val) tests that val has zero length, without making demands on its type (iterability, etc.), beyond its implementing __len__.


True if val is empty. Empty, here, means zero-length, not ‘false-y’. I.e., False and 0 are not empty, even though they are false in a boolean context.

Use truth() and not_() for ‘standard’ truth testing.


Returns a callable which returns True if each member of contents is a member of its container argument.

The signature of the returned callable is:

fn(container:Container) → bool

Type predicates

These predicates test aspects of the type of their arguments. E.g., isstring(val) tests that val is a string (str() or unicode()), without making demands on its value (empty, non-empty, etc.)

They are composable, since they test only the features they need. E.g., _and(iscallable, isiterable) would be True for any class which implemented both __call__ and __iter__.

Type predicate factory

_isa(classinfo, docstring=None)[source]

A wrapper around isinstance() to swap the argument ordering, so it can be used as a partial.

The signature of the returned callable is:

fn(obj) → bool

If docstring is supplied, it will become the docstring of the new callable. If docstring is None, a docstring will be created based on classinfo.

Generated type predicates


True if val looks ‘atomic’ (i.e., is a string, or any non-iterable). This is a naive test: any non-string iterable yields False.


True if obj is iterable.


True if obj is a non-string iterable


True if obj is callable.


True if obj is a container.


True if obj is hashable.


True if obj is an iterator.


True if obj is a mapping.


True if obj is a mutable mapping.


True if obj is a mapping view.


True if obj is an items view.


True if obj is a keys view.


True if obj is a values view.


True if obj is a sequence.


True if obj is a mutable sequence.


True if obj is a set.


True if obj is a mutable set.


True if obj has a __len__() method.


True if obj is a slice().


True if obj is a list().


True if obj is a tuple().


True if obj is a string.


True if obj is an str().


True if obj is a unicode string.


True if obj is a bool().


True if obj is an int().


True if obj is a long().


True if obj is a float().

Identity predicates

These predicates test object identity (i.e., the is operator).

Identity predicate factory

_is(it, docstring=None)[source]

A wrapper around is_() to set the docstring (which partial() does not).

Generated identity predicates


True if obj is None.


True if obj is True.


True if obj is False.


These functions are the foundations upon which several of the predicates are built. They may be useful when writing new predicates that are more than composition and application of the existing predicates.


Returns a callable which expands its args and kwargs into the *args and **kwargs of func. It’s equivalent to partial(apply, func), except that apply() is deprecated.

The signature of the returned callable is:

fn(args=(), kwargs={}) → object

Its principal use is to make predicates which operate on all of their arguments (i.e., *args) operate on any iterable. E.g., _apply(_all(isstring))(['jack', 'kate']) is equivalent to _all(isstring)('jack', 'hurley').

This is especially useful when testing the contents of arguments passed to a _zip() callable. E.g.,

>>> int_and_strings = _zip(isint, _apply(_all(isstring)))
>>> int_and_strings(42, ['jack', 'kate', 'sawyer'])

Always returns val.

WHY?!? Because, sometimes you need a callable that’s just a closure over return val. E.g., in the ‘no contents’ special-case in _contains().

NOTE: This is one of the few memoized factories, because we don’t want a proliferation of _return(True) and _return(False) helpers (of course, that’s why we have true_() and false_(), but no matter).

_nis(atleast=False, atmost=False, exactly=False)[source]

Returns a callable which returns True if n is >= atleast, <= atmost, or == exactly. See _nargs(), _nkw(), etc., for example use.

The signature of the returned callable is:

fn(n:number) → bool

atleast and atmost may be combined, but exactly must stand alone.

_fnis(func, atleast=False, atmost=False, exactly=False)[source]

Returns a callable which returns True if the result of func(*args, **kwargs) is >= atleast <= atmost, or == exactly. See _nargs(), _nkw(), etc., for example use.

atleast and atmost may be combined, but exactly must stand alone.